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Sonstige — Margarete Douglas (1515-1578)

Margarete Douglas
Margarete Douglas (1515-1578), Tochter der schottischen Königin Margarete Tudor und eine der Lieblingsnichten des englischen Königs Heinrich VIII., um 1532

Bei der Dargestellten handelt es sich nicht um Katherine Parr!

7. Oktober 1515

9. März 1578


Archibald Douglas, der sechste Graf von Angus (1494-1557)


Margarete († 1541), die ältere Schwester des englischen Königs Heinrich VIII. († 1547)

  1. Thomas Howard (1511-1537), Sohn von Thomas Howard sen. (1443-1524), dem zweiten Herzog von Norfolk, und dessen zweiter Gattin Agnes Tylney († 1545); Heirat gegen Ende des Jahres 1535 oder zu Beginn des Jahres 1536 (eine sogenannte heimliche Ehe)
  2. Charles Howard (1516/17-um 1543), ältester Bruder von Katharina Howard (1525/26-1542); Heirat um 1541 (heimliche Ehe)
  3. Matthew Stewart oder Stuart (1516-1571), vierter Graf von Lennox; Heirat im Jahre 1544


von ihren vier, fünf, acht oder neun Kindern (über die Zahl ihrer Kinder gibt es unterschiedliche Quellen) aus ihrer dritten Ehe mit Matthew Stewart überlebten nur zwei das Kindesalter:

ihr Sohn Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, geboren am 7. Dezember 1545, ermordet worden am 10. oder 11. Februar 1567; seit dem 28. Juli 1565 verheiratet mit Maria Stuart († 1587), Königin von Schottland; er hatte ein Kind mit seiner Gattin, den Sohn Jakob VI./I., König von Schottland und England

und ihr Sohn Charles Stuart, geboren am Ende des Jahres 1556, gestorben im Jahr 1576/77, seit Oktober 1574 mit Elizabeth Cavenish (1554-1582), einer Tochter von Bess von Hardwick verheiratet; sie hatten eine Tochter: Arbella Stuart (1575-1615)

Weitere Abbildungen:
Margarete Douglas mit ihrer Familie Margarete Douglas Margarete Douglas Margarete Douglas



Today, 1st September 2016, I received an email from someone who insisted that the depicted on this painting would be Katherine Parr, which she definitely is not.

... and my response to all my readers:

I am a historian and a researcher too, and my knowledge is based on the contemporary historical sources of the 16th century, the written and the pictorial ones. The depicted woman you mentioned is without any doubt Margaret Douglas and certainly NOT Queen Katherine Parr. Actually not too long ago the depicted young lady was declared to be "Jane Grey" by the art historians. They now have changed their mind to "Katherine Parr". My research is based on the history of the fashion. How can anybody make the claim that the depicted is Katherine Parr? Does this person have any idea what Katherine Parr really looked like? We have plenty of images of her. See here.

Let's look at the portrait of Margaret Douglas. Her costume is the only tool to date the painting. It was in fashion around 1528 to 1535. Jane Grey was born in 1537. She was not even born when this portrait was made. Therefore we can rule her out.

Katherine Parr got married to her second husband John Neville around 1530/1531. She married the English King Henry VIII in the year 1543. And in 1543 she was already a woman of the age of 31 years. Does this young woman (15 - 20 years old) look like 31 years old? We are in the Renaissance! Do you have any idea what a woman looked like when she was 30 years old?

The fashion tells us that the depicted on the portrait cannot be Katherine Parr. The portraits of Katherine Parr also tell us the depicted on this portrait can not be Katherine Parr. Margaret Douglas and her cousin Eleanor Brandon were the favourite nieces of Henry VIII (at least in the beginning of the 1530s). Look at portraits of Eleanor Brandon

Margaret Douglas and Eleanor Brandon both received a specific piece of jewellery (a brooch) from him which he also gave - according to Susan James - to his new bride Katherine Parr in 1543. The two specimens of these brooches of Margaret Douglas and Eleanor Brandon look almost the same, but there are small differences. Susan James was therefore not very well informed when she made her claim that the depicted is Katherine Parr.

You should read my biography about Margaret Douglas (Margarete Douglas: Die hinreißend schöne Schottin in der englischen Königsfamilie) in: my Book or E-Book: Die Frauen des Hauses Tudor - Das Schicksal der weiblichen Mitglieder einer englischen Königsdynastie

Kind Regards, Maike Vogt-Lüerssen

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