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Das Königshaus von Portugal — Alfonso (oder Affonso/Afonso) (1377-1461), Graf von Barcellos und Herzog von Braganza

Alfonso (oder Affonso/Afonso) (1377-1461), Graf von Barcellos und Herzog von Braganza, illegitimer Sohn des portugiesischen Königs João I. (oder Johann I.) (1357-1433) und seiner Geliebten Inês Pires und Stammvater des Hauses Braganza

Am 8. November 1400 heiratete er in erster Ehe Beatriz Pereira de Alvim, die ihm drei Kinder schenkte. Seine zweite Gattin war Konstanze von Noronha. Er war einer der Urgroßväter der spanischen Königin Isabella der Katholischen (1451-1504). Alfonso "was regarded with special favour by his father, who brought about his marriage with Donna Beatrice Pereira, daughter and heiress of the Holy Constable, and created him Count of Barcellos." (in: H. Morse Stephens: The Story of Portugal, id., pp. 125-126). Alfonso hasste jedoch seine legitimen Halbbrüder allesamt. Besser verstand er sich mit seinem Neffen, dem zukünftigen König Alfonso V., der ihn zum Herzog von Braganza erhob.

"This nobleman [Alfonso, der Herzog von Braganza] had always been jealous of the legitimate sons of John I. [seines Vaters], and in spite of the kind treatment of Dom Pedro [des Herzogs von Coimbra, seines Halbbruders und schließlich Regenten von Alfonso V.] he hated the regent. This hatred he instilled into the mind of Affonso V. [= Alfonso V.], who was rather restive under his uncle’s control, and he eventually persuaded the young king that his uncle and father-in-law [Dom Pedro war nicht nur der Onkel und Regent von Alfonso V., sondern auch dessen Schwiegervater] had poisoned both his father, King Edward, and his mother, Donna Leonora. Affonso V. believed these libels, and ordered the great regent to leave the Court, Dom Pedro obeyed; but the vengeance of the Duke of Braganza was not yet satisfied, and he gladly led an army to arrest the Duke of Coimbra on his estates. Dom Pedro, deserted by all his old friends and sycophants, except the Lord High Admiral, yet determined to fight, and he defeated the Duke of Braganza at Penella. Affonso V. then declared his former guardian a traitor, and summoned the feudal nobility to his side. The nobles were only too happy to aid him, and in the hotly-contested battle of Alfarrobeira the friends of the regent were defeated, and Dom Pedro, Dom Jaymé, his only son, and the Lord High Admiral, were slain, on May 21, 1449." (in: H. Morse Stephens: The Story of Portugal, id., pp. 132-133).

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