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Die Medici — Cosimo de' Medici (1453-1461)

Cosimo de' Medici (1453-1461) mit seinem Onkel und einem seiner Cousins
Cosimo de' Medici (1453-1461) (links) mit seinem Onkel Carlo de' Medici (in der Mitte) und seinem Cousin Giuliano de' Medici (rechts), 1459

A story about Cosimo and his grandfather Cosimo the Elder: "There is a story related by his contemporary, Lodovico Carbone of Ferrara, that one day, when Cosimo [the Elder] was discussing some matter of state with an embassy from Lucca, the boy [his grandson Cosimo] walked into the room with a bundle of sticks, interrupting the conference to ask his grandfather to make him a whistle. Much to the annoyance of the Lucchese delegates, the meeting was promptly adjourned while Cosimo [the Elder] set to work; and no further business was discussed until the whistle had been made to the boy’s satisfaction. 'I must say, Sir', the leader of the delegation felt constrained to protest when recalled to Cosimo’s presence, 'we cannot be other than surprised at your behaviour. We have come to you representing our commune to treat of grave matters, and you desert us to devote your time to a child.' 'Oh, my lords,' Cosimo replied, not in the least abashed, throwing his arms round the ambassadors’ shoulders. 'Are you not also fathers and grandfathers? You must not be surprised that I should have made a whistle. It’s a good thing that the boy didn’t ask me to play it for him; because I would have done that too.' (in: Christopher Hibbert: The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici. London 1974, p. 96).

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Buchcover: Bianca Maria Visconti

Die Frauen der Sforza I: Bianca Maria Visconti – Die Stammmutter der Sforza

nur als Buch (Farbband) bei amazon.de: 294 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 243 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-1-6515-0580-9, € 43,90

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Buchcover: Wer ist Mona Lisa?

Wer ist Mona Lisa? – Identifizierung einer Unbekannten mit Hilfe historischer Quellen

als Buch bei amazon.de: 172 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 136 Bildern (130 Bilder in Farbe), Independently published, 1. Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31

Neu: Caterina Sforza

Die Frauen der Sforza II: Caterina Sforza - Die Amazone der Sforza und die Muse von Botticelli

nur als Buch (Farbband), bei amazon.de: 320 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 153 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2021, ISBN 979-8-7119-9157-1, € 44,73