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Er war der Schwiegervater von Wilhelm von Oranien und Großvater von Friedrich Heinrich von Oranien (1584-1647)
"Coligny ... as he left the Louvre at 11 am on Friday 22 August 1572 ... He had just attended a council meeting, chaired in the absence of the king [Karl IX.] and the Queen Mother [Katharina de' Medici] by the Duke of Anjou [Heinrich III.], and as he walked along was absorbed in reading an important piece of business ... The curious were kept at a distance by a dozen body-guards. ... he was making the short walk to his lodgings in the rue de Béthisy. Soon after he turned into the rue de Poulies a single shot rang out from a hundred feet away. … at the very moment the shot was fired Coligny stopped and turned suddenly, and the shot missed his vitals, fracturing his left forearm and taking off an index finger. His men immediately rushed to the house from where the shot had been fired and tried to force the door, but the assassin had planned well. The house had a rear door that opened onto the square in front of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois church, where a horse was awaiting him. … Coligny … within forty-eight hours he was murdered. Several days of anarchy followed in which between at least 2,000, and perhaps as many as 6,000, Protestants were butchered. Upwards of 600 houses were pillaged. ... In summer of 1572 Coligny was pressing for immediate intervention in the Low Countries. Philip II of Spain and the Duke of Alva wished him dead." (in: Stuart Carroll: Martyrs and Murderers – The Guise Family and The Making of Europe. Oxford and New York 2009, pp. 192-194).
Frauen in der Renaissance – 30 Einzelschicksale
seit Oktober 2017 als Buch in überarbeiteter Version bei erhältlich, 432 Seiten, mit 304 SW-Bildern, € 20,20; ISBN 978-1-5498-9445-9
ab Dezember 2014 als E-Book in überarbeiteter Version bei erhältlich, mit 346 Bildern (davon 268 in Farbe), € 18,03