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The Milanese Dynasty of the Visconti — Giangaleazzo (or Gian Galeazzo) Visconti (1351-1402), Duke of Milan

Giangaleazzo (oder Gian Galeazzo) Visconti, 1. Herzog von Mailand
Giangaleazzo (or Gian Galeazzo) Visconti (1351-1402), first Duke of Milan

15. October 1351

3. September 1402


Galeazzo II. Visconti (1324/27-1378), younger brother of the infamous and cruel Bernabò Visconti († 1385)


Bianca of Savoy (1335/36-1387); marriage on 10. September 1350

  • his sister Violanta († 1396) who was at first married to Lionel (1338-1367/68), Duke of Clarence, the second son of King Edward III. († 1377) of England, on 15 June 1367 or 28 May 1368; her second husband was the Margrave Secondotto of Montferrat, they married in 1377; he was assassinated by one of his grooms of the stable in 1378; her third husband was her cousin Lodovico († 1404), the second son of Bernabò Visconti, in 1381
  • his sister Maria (1358-1362)
  • a brother, whe died shortly after death and whose name we do not know

  1. Isabella of Valois (1348-1373), sister of the French King Charles V. († 1380); marriage on 8. October 1360
  2. his cousin Caterina Visconti († 1404), the fifth daughter of Bernabò Visconti; marriage on 15. November 1380


His legitimate children:

from his first marriage to Isabella of Valois:

  1. a daughter (Bianca?), born in 1366, deceased between 1379 and 1380
  2. his son Azzone, born in 1368, deceased in 1381
  3. a daughter (Bona?), born in 1369, deceased between 1379 and 1380
  4. his daughter Valentina, born in 1371, deceased in 1408; on 17. August 1388 she became married to Louis (1371-1407), Duke of Orléans and brother of the French King Charles VI. († 1422), – their grandson was the French King Louis XII. (1462-1515)
  5. his son Gian Galeazzo, born c. 1372 (?), deceased between 1379 and 1380
  6. his son Carlo, born on 11. September 1373, deceased in 1374
  7. from his second marriage to Caterina Visconti:

  8. his son Giovanni Maria the Cruel, born on 9. September 1388, Duke of Milan 1402-1412, since 1408 married to Antonia Malatesta; he was fatally stabbed on 16. May 1412 – his cruelty and his bloodthirstyness exceeded everything the House of Visconti had experienced so far
  9. his son Filippo Maria, born on 23. September 1392, deceased on 13. August 1447, his first spouse was the widow of the Condottiere Facino Cane, Beatrice da Tenda (1372-1418), whom he had married in 1412 and whom he had executed because of alleged infidelity on 13. September 1418; his second official spouse was Maria of Savoy (1411-1469) – they married on 6. October 1428 – but their marriage was never consummated; the only love in his life was Agnese del Maino whom he married in secrecy (clandestine marriage) and who gave birth to his daughters, Bianca Maria (1425-1468) and Caterina Maria or Lucia Maria (born and deceased in 1426)
  10. - 11. three further children, a son and two daughters, who presumably died shortly after birth

and his illegitimate children:

  • his favourite son Gabriele Maria (1385-1407), whose mother was his mistress Agnese Mantegazza
  • his son Antonio (1391-?), whose mother was from a peasant family

More Images:
Gian Galeazzo Visconti und seine 2. Gattin Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti mit seinen legitimen Söhnen Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti mit Familie Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti Gian Galeazzo Visconti

Reading Suggestions:
  • Dorothy Muir: A History of Milan under the Visconti. London 1924

Neu: Bianca Maria Visconti
Buchcover: Bianca Maria Visconti

Die Frauen der Sforza I: Bianca Maria Visconti – Die Stammmutter der Sforza

nur als Buch (Farbband) bei amazon.de: 294 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 243 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-1-6515-0580-9, € 43,90