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England/Scotland — Charles Brandon (1484-1545), Duke of Suffolk

Charles Brandon, Herzog von Suffolk, mit seiner vierten Gattin, Maria Tudor
Charles Brandon (1484-1545), Duke of Suffolk, with his fourth wife, Mary Tudor

in 1484

22. August 1545


William Brandon († 1485)


Elizabeth Bruyn, daughter of Sir Henry Bruyn and Elizabeth Dacre

  • his elder brother William, who died as a young child
  • his sister Anne, who married a certain Nicholas Sidney

  1. Anne Browne († 1511/12), daughter of Sir Anthony Browne, Governor of Calais; marriage promised in 1502/3 – however, he separated from her before the birth of their first child, Anne (1503-1557/58)
  2. Margaret Nevill, Lady Mortimer (1466-c. 1534/35), the wealthy aunt of his first wife; marriage around 1503, annulment of the marriage in 1508
  3. 1. (see above) Anne Browne († 1511/12), marriage in 1508; apart from their daughter Anne, born in 1503, an adopted daughter, Magdalen Rochester, born around 1505, and another daughter Mary († 1540/44), born in 1511, were added to the family

  4. Elizabeth Grey (1503/04/05-1519), the daughter of John Grey († 1504), 2nd Viscount Lisle; marriage and annulment of the marriage in 1513
  5. Mary Tudor (1496-1533), the younger sister of Henry VIII. († 1547), King of England; marriage on 21. or 22. February 1515 – four children
  6. Katherine Willoughby (1519/20-1580), daughter of Lord William Willoughby († 1526) and his wife, Mary de Salinas († 1539); marriage on 7. September 1533; two sons; after the death of Charles Brandon in 1545 she married her master of ceremonies and friend Richard Bertie (1517-1582) in 1553; they had two more children: one daughter, Susan, Baroness Grey de Ruthven, Countess of Kent, born in 1553, and one son, Peregrine, the eleventh Lord Willoughby, born on 12. October 1555


his legitimate children:

He had the following children with his wife Anne Browne († 1510):

  1. Anne, born in 1503, deceased in 1557/58; since 1525 married to Edward Grey, Lord Powis, – very unhappy marriage
  2. Mary, born in 1511, deceased in 1540/44; since 1527/28 married to Thomas Stanley, Lord Monteagle

He had the following children with his wife Gattin Mary Tudor († 1533): see Mary Tudor

He had the following children with his wife Katherine Willoughby († 1580):

  1. Henry, born in September 1535, deceased on 16. July 1551 from the Sweating sickness
  2. Charles, born at the beginning of the year 1537, deceased on 16. July 1551 from the Sweating sickness (half an hour ahead of his elder brother Henry)

his illegitimate children:

He had the following three illegitimate children from three different women:

  • Sir Charles Brandon, married to Elizabeth, widow of Sir James Strangways
  • Frances, in her first marriage married to William Sandon, in her second marriage married to Andrew Bilsby
  • Mary, married to Robert Ball of Scottow

More Images:
Charles Brandon, Herzog von Suffolk Charles Brandon, Herzog von Suffolk Charles Brandon, Herzog von Suffolk

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