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The Borgia — Juan Borgia (also called Giovanni Borgia)

Juan Borgia (auch Giovanni Borgia genannt)
Juan Borgia (also called Giovanni Borgia)

He is the first-born son of Pope Alexander VI and Vannozza de Catanei according to his contemporary, the famous Italian historian Francesco Guicciardini. The latter's statement regarding Juan Borgia as the first-born son was confirmed by Ferdinand Gregorovius, who spent many years in the archives of Rome and has been regarded as one of the great Borgia experts.

Reading Suggestions:

Book and E-Book
Book Cover Lucrezia Borgia

Lucrezia Borgia – The Life of a Pope's Daughter in der Renaissance

with family trees and 78 figures (37 of which are in colour)
at amazon.com for US$ 10.86
at amazon.co.uk for £ 7.20