Lucrezia Borgia – The Life of a Pope's Daughter in der Renaissance
with family trees and 78 figures (37 of which are in colour)
at for US$ 10.86
at for £ 7.20
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Costanzo I., Lord of Pesaro (1447-1483)
Fiora Boni, a mistress of his father
His legitimate child:
from his third marriage to Ginevra Casa Tiepolo: his son Giuseppe Maria Costanzo II., born on 4. November 1505, deceased on 5. August 1512
and his illegitimate child:
his illegitimate daughter Isabella (1503-1561), since 1520 married to Sernigi Cipriano del Nero, Baron of Porcigliano († 1555)
Lucrezia Borgia – The Life of a Pope's Daughter in der Renaissance
with family trees and 78 figures (37 of which are in colour)
at for US$ 10.86
at for £ 7.20