Die Frauen der Sforza I: Bianca Maria Visconti – Die Stammmutter der Sforza
nur als Buch (Farbband) bei amazon.de: 294 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 243 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-1-6515-0580-9, € 43,90
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This is the only portrait of him produced in his lifetime, by Benozzo Gozzoli around 1459.
Giovanni "di Bicci" de' Medici (1360-1429)
Piccarda (c. 1368-1433), daughter of Odoardo de' Bueri; marriage in the year 1386
Contessina de'Bardi (c. 1392-1473), daughter of Alessandro di Sozzo Bardi, Count of Vernio, and Cammilla, daughter of Raniero di Galdo or Guido Pannochieschi, Count of Elci; marriage around 1415: "The Bardi were in the fourteenth century the richest banking family in Florence ... But they had fallen on evil days before Cosimo's marriage to the eldest daughter of the house, having been gradually ruined owing to the loss of a large sum of money which, lent by them to Edward III. of England, had never been repaid." (in: G. F. Young, The Medici, Vol. 1, London 1930, pp. 63-64)
his legitimate children:
his illegitimate child:
Carlo (c. 1428/30-1492), Abbot of San Salvatore di Vaiano (Prato) and Provost of the Cathedral of Prato, his mother was a Circassian slave who was named Maddalena and who was bought by his father, when she was 21 or 22 years old, for around 60 ducats in Venice in 1427
Die Frauen der Sforza I: Bianca Maria Visconti – Die Stammmutter der Sforza
nur als Buch (Farbband) bei amazon.de: 294 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 243 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-1-6515-0580-9, € 43,90
Die Frauen der Sforza II: Caterina Sforza - Die Amazone der Sforza und die Muse von Botticelli
nur als Buch (Farbband), bei amazon.de: 320 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 153 Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage 2021, ISBN 979-8-7119-9157-1, € 44,73
Wer ist Mona Lisa? – Identifizierung einer Unbekannten mit Hilfe historischer Quellen
als Buch bei amazon.de: 172 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 136 Bildern (130 Bilder in Farbe), Independently published, 1. Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31
Lucrezia Borgia – The Life of a Pope's Daughter in der Renaissance
with family trees and 78 figures (37 of which are in colour)
at amazon.com for US$ 10.86
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